Offers & Discounts
Discounts/Coupon/Voucher Codes
As a privilege, we provide coupon codes to our customers at
regular intervals. Here are a few things to keep in mind while enjoying the
benefits of coupon codes:
1) Coupon codes cannot be clubbed with
any other on-going offers in the store or on the website
2) Coupon codes will be valid only till
the date mentioned in the email
3) One coupon code can be used only once.
4) Coupon codes cannot be used by only
one customer i.e., the same code will not be valid to your family or friends
5) The Green World Experience Pvt Ltd.
Ltd can change the terms and conditions related to any available coupon codes
on the website without any prior intimation
6) Shipping rules will be applicable to
every product purchased using coupon codes
Cash Back
1) The amount of cashback offer/s will be
sent to the customer in form of voucher/coupon via email.
2) The cashback amount can be redeemed
only till the validity period mentioned on the voucher/coupon.
3) The terms and conditions of the cash
back policy can be changed any time by Green world Experience PvtLtd. without
prior intimation
Cash Back offers will not be applicable on cancelled orders.
to Housing Societies- if any housing society is ordering from us there will be
towards Society Maintenance Fund (2% of Total Monthly
discount on bulk orders. (5% on order above Rs 5000)
of Residents (Security and Safety) as we cut down the need of leaving Society
Premises for basic necessities like Vegetables and Fruits.
shopping/Shopping in bulk will give you discount of 3% on spot for purchase of
1000/- and 10% on purchase of 5000 Rs immediate. Give advance order to get
these offers to avail.
You can “Earn 25 points for liking or page and each
point is equal to 1 Rs” or introducing any new customer will make eligible for
25 points which can be redeemable on selected fruits & vegetables. However
company reserves the rights to give any such offer.